2018, Wacky Wonderful Wednesdays

03.16.18 Wacky Wonderful Friday


The Unkind Person in Your Life, By Nylse Esahc

“Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.” – Ephesians 4:32

Hurt happens. It happens to all of us, often when we do not anticipate it. It happens in families, it happens in friendships, it happens with co-workers, and we even hurt ourselves. The most confusing kind of hurt, though, is the hurt that happens for seemingly no reason.

Maybe for you it’s the customer service person who’s supposed to be helping you out but keeps making everything more difficult with their attitude. This scenario rubs you the wrong way every time. You assume that kindness is a part of their job description without considering why they may be behaving rudely in the moment.

Or maybe you’re dealing with an acquaintance who is constantly inconsiderate to your kind gestures. They disregard your feelings when you express them and say that you are “sensitive” without trying to hear you out. You do not understand their lack of effort to change, especially since you’ve vulnerably expressed your concerns. As we interact with people in relationships we expect them to be as invested as we are in the relationship without considering that they might not value the relationship in the same sense that we do.

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